Supporting Post-Secondary Education Important to Commissionaires

October 13, 2023
The Canadian Corps of Commissionaires is committed to supporting and giving back to its employees and offers both National and Divisional bursary programs to assist employees and their immediate family members (spouses, children and grandchildren of serving commissionaires) with the cost of post-secondary education.
This academic year, four deserving individuals, two commissionaires and two family members of commissionaires from Northern Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut Division, are benefitting from these bursaries.
National Bursary Recipient
Megan McKee, family member of Northern Alberta Division commissionaire Susan McKee, is enrolled in the Radio and Television Program at NAIT and specializing in radio.
Division Bursary Recipients
Kayla Ross, an RCMP Detention Guard who is passionate about helping people, has been accepted into a Bachelor of Applied Human Services Degree program for the fall of 2023.
Commissionaire Oleksandr “Ollie” Tormantovski, who aspires to become a water treatment plant operator, is working towards achieving his certificate as a Water and Wastewater Technician.
Shozab Naqvi, son of commissionaire Naeem Naqvi, who has a passion for understanding and working with people, combined with a keen interest in organizational dynamics, will be undertaking a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resources.
When asked why it’s so important for Commissionaires to give back to their employees, Northern Alberta Division CEO, Nick Grimshaw replies,
“We are extremely fortunate to live in a country where access to a variety of education programs exists, however it is no secret that the cost of tuition continues to increase year after year. As Canada’s only national not for profit security company, we have a unique opportunity to directly support members of the Commissionaires and their families. One of our key values as an organization is ‘Commitment to the well-being of our commissionaires.’ The education bursary programs are a clear example of this ongoing commitment and we are very proud of these programs and all those who benefit from this support.”
Northern Alberta Division has been awarding bursaries to employees and their immediate family members since 2015. The Commissionaires National Bursary Program was launched in 2022.
For nearly 100 years, the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires has provided meaningful employment opportunities to former members of the Canadian Forces, the RCMP and others who wish to contribute to the security of Canada. A thriving and self-sustaining business, Commissionaires is proud to deliver 94% of its revenues back to its veteran and non-veteran employees alike.